Welcoming Change


We all know intellectually that change is inevitable, yet every time we are faced with life changes, we seem unprepared and unsure how to proceed. The benefits of embracing change lie in living in the moment, approaching change with a positive attitude and having acceptance for the emotions that arise during this challenging time. 

Having just finished my licensing exams and my 8th year of post-secondary education, I am faced with a major life transition. The emotions are mixed - excitement for this next phase but also trepidation of what is to come. I have to remind myself that the 

Live in the Moment
This is probably the hardest thing to do while you are going through a major life transition. It is much easier to look behind us, as we can return to our comfort zone, at least in our mind. Or many people choose to live in the land of "what ifs", weighing out every possible option and the ensuing consequences. In a study called the happiness project, Matt  Killingsworth found that people are happiest and most satisfied when their mind is in the moment, regardless of what they are doing. Regardless of where our mind wanders, the more we can stay in the moment, the more satisfaction we can derive from our 

Glass Half Full
Our ability to approach change with a positive attitude has a substantial impact on not only the outcome of that change, but also our overall health and even how long we will live. 

Acknowledge and Accept.
Whether a life change is due to a career transition, a relationship break-up, or moving cities, your emotions will be heightened. The best thing we can do when feeling emotional is to first acknowledge the emotions, understand where they are coming from and accept them. 

Arielle Wilkins