Small Steps, Big Changes
Even though we know that New Years Resolutions are almost always ignored by the end of January, we still start the New Year with the hope that "this year will be the year where I finally... (lose 30 pounds, eat healthier, exercise more, insert other lifelong health goal here).
The problem with these "resolutions" is that they are lofty goals without a realistic plan in place, and rely heavily on motivation, which easily wanes by mid-January. And then when we don't stick with our resolution, we feel like we have failed so we beat ourselves up, and lose self esteem.
Instead, think about creating small daily habits. These may seem insignificant, but over time these behaviours will lead to healthy long-term habits. These daily goals need to be "too small to fail", so that you can continue to build self esteem and confidence.
For example, if your goal is to "get fit", commit to doing 1 push up a day. It may seem like nothing, but often that one push up will inspire you to do a few more push ups, or hold a plank when you're done.
Record your progress every day. Some days you might do more than 1 push up, but at the very least you will have accomplished your goal. Remember, the most challenging part is just starting.
Choose 1 or 2 mini habits to make your 2018 your best yet.
Some ideas for cultivating daily mini habits:
Do 1 push-up, or sit-up.
Read 2 pages in a book.
Write down or think about 1 thing you are grateful for
Meditate, or practice breathing, for 1 minute .
Drink 1 large glass of water
Have 1 serving of fresh vegetables every day
Spend 1 minute learning a new word in a different language
Stretch 1 body part
Cook 1 meal at home per day
Floss one tooth.
"Be the person with embarrassing goals and impressive results, instead of the person with impressive goals and embarrassing results."
- Stephen Guise.